[Edofnor] #1 pickup line of all time: "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?
[@Dark_un] is there an actual term for banks lending out money?
[@bytraper] loan
[@Dark_un] i was thinking of the process
[@incorrect] scam
[TURBOMEAT] arguing over musical taste is pointless, really
[ScumDog] pretty much
[TURBOMEAT] it's subjective
[mightyflo] not when you have ops. :)
[Llarack] You are what you eat ^_^
[Iskandor] I AM NOT A PUSSY
[Iskandor] ]_]
[Kletian] yeah, you're a dick.
[Cold_Fyre] back. I had to talk to my sister about sumtin
[fReAkEr] is she hot?
[Cold_Fyre] She's 8...
[Cold_Fyre] O.o
[fReAkEr] I didnt ask her age...
dftpnkezln: For all of you reporting a score more than 100 as you iq lol @ you. How can you possibly score more than 100%?
dftpnkezln:I'm very happy with my score of 89.
[AceAway] well later bitches of to the hospital
[SForce] that sounds promising
[AceAway] not really spend half my life going to them all part of being stuck in this damn wheelchair
[SForce] unfortunate
[SForce] makes me want to stand up
[Kevyn] So if black guys like white girls, and white guys like asian girls... what do the asian guys like?
[etoilet] hentai
[spacemank] someone help me think of an eye catching phrase or something about me.
[cky] hm
[cky] your nickname rhymes with 'wank'
[PsykoDave] Spacewank!
[spacemank] gr... not to do with my NICK
[cky] well, you said about you :P
[spacemank] yes, me. not my nick.
[spacemank] I am not my nick.
[spacemank] I am me.
[Greg|wawy] if you re-arrange the letters, you get "spankmace"
[cky] your nick has to do with you
[spacemank] not really.
[spacemank] GRR
[spacemank] USELESS
[Greg|wawy] :D
[cky] which is almost "spank mice"
[cky] you could also rearrange it to say MSPancake!
[spacemank] I hate you.
Tridao: i got 100%
Tridao: :D
Xeero: On what?
Tridao: the iq test
Xeero: ...
Tridao: 100% of what/
Xeero: Did it give you a number?
Xeero: That says
Xeero: 'Your IQ is ___"
Tridao: 100%...:(
Xeero: Okay, your IQ is not high.
[Ranbert] someone shoot me please....
[tele] o \O_ Arrgh!!
[tele] [\==- - - - - - - --- __/
[tele] / \ \
[grendal] what is it with Mexicans that they have to stand in the front yard?
[grendal] like ... frequently
[grendal] like... daily
[aNuBiS-] its cleaner than inside their house
[NW]: The NHL has the Stanley Cup, the MLB has the World Series, and the NFL has the Super Bowl.
[NW] I'm not sure what the NBA has...
**Reno sips vodkety.
[[Drum]]: The Championship.
[Ran[afk]]: The Rape Accusation Trial.
[Blake`] Buffalo wants to draw in the film industry.
[Blake`] What the fuck are they gonna film there?
[`Edwin`] Fargo, part 2?
[Blake`] "The Adventures of Nanook the Eskimo"?
[`Edwin`] Call of the Wild?
[Blake`] "Dude, Where's My Economy?"
milnarmo: damn i'm never gonna get a fishing license
milnarmo: lucky i already have my phishing license
darkwing14: what?
milnarmo: please enter your credit card number and expiration date to continue this conversation
itchy92: Aha! I figured out why all the 1337 hackers in movies use Linux.
theNihil: Um, because it's mysterious and unknown to mainstream movie viewers?
itchy92: No, man. It generates so much output so easily.
itchy92: Need a scrolling console window to make it look like you're doing something? Type any nonsensical word with a verbose switch and BAM! you've got scrolling text for like 3 hours. So it seems like you're engaging in some hardcore NSA decrypting when in fact, you're compiling ksolitaire or something.
Madrigal: I have DSL
Madrigal: Which backwards is "LSD"
Madrigal: But for my sake, and the sake of being backwards, I'd rather get Dial.
[Mootar] what was god thinking when he made my ass sweat?
[[prefix]] hahahah
[[prefix]] I just read the funniest shit
[[prefix]] this guy's sister got her laptop stolen, so her brother broke into it and replaced the dialup phone number for the ISP to his phone #
[[prefix]] when the person dialed it up he had their name on the caller ID went over to their house, took it back, and kicked their ass
[poserman]what is considered a long distance girlfriend?
[poserman]10, 15, 20 hops???
[Kristy] thats horrible
[Kosta] See Kristy, you just misspelled "honorable" again
[Ruth] hmmm first thing to do when one gets home is .... check spam for emails
[Shark463] hey, did u see stevie wonders new album?
[Chaz] No
[Shark463] neither has he.
SparTacus (rulimbaww@3B942731.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net) has joined #santcuary
*SparTacus is now known as Betty_Guns
wacko Jacko (lbeedy@1C57684.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net) has joined #santcuary
[wacko_Jacko]ok spartacus just came n here i know it. which one of you is that loser?
[hunney] I am spartacus
[ji_pper]no im spartacus
[Betty_Guns]I am spartacus
[mistr andersn]I’m spartacus
[wacko_Jacko]ur all freaks thats what u r
Safia: your just sittin there watching me?
Sean: No I have creepy music playing too
[ traicovn] I'm stealing wifi at the shearton right now
[ traicovn] until security comes and gets me
[ traicovn] Some older upper 30s drunk woman invited me up to her room.
[ traicovn] But I think the high speed is just about the same up there so I turned her down.
[Blarrrg] Holy shit, best idea for a doormat ever.
[Blarrrg] 10 HOME
[Blarrrg] 20 SWEET
[Blarrrg] 30 GOTO 10
[Crimson_Dynamo] If I were stranded on a desert isle, I think I would make a girl out of coconuts, but she'd probably just want to be friends
[rompiku] I think I am going to wait until the hacker is in my computer, then I will disconnect from the internet and trap him inside
Andrews: 'I have man bitches'
Andrews: 'MANY.'
Andrews: FUCK
[Nate] The Americans spent 5 years and 10 million dollars to develope a pen that would write in space, freezing cold, extreme heat, and in zero gravity.
[Nate] The Russians used a pencil
[[NCA]Spank] I was pretty dumb about computers.
[[NCA]Spank] Then I learned you could get porn on them.
[[NCA]Spank] 3 years later I'm a system administrator.
Declan: I dunno...I love her, but this new years is going to be uber depressing
grencez: her friends are much lamer than both of you combined
Declan: The thought of her getting high at a party where everyone is drunk while I sit at home and code Perl or something is kind of too much to bear
CyanFlux: maybe try coding something in c
[@Headknocker] what happens when 5 emos sit in a square room?
[@Headknocker] one dies because he has no corner to cry in :D
[Mach17] Google: your number one source of not sounding retarded.
[phluid] I won't program in java anymore
[phluid] I'm not Marxist and don't believe in classes.
[pritch] jeez
[pritch] sauron couldve got the one ring on ebay for £4.99
[pritch] oh wait
[pritch] excludes delivery to mordor
[fragglet] one does not simply deliver to mordor
06 noviembre 2008
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